maksudnya FILM perang..
pernah sekali waktu baca pertanyaan
Q : "do you like war movies?"
A : "yes"
Q : "do you agree with war?"
A : "of course not"
Q : "why??"
A : "because war is horrible"
Q : "if war is horrible, then why are you love to watch war movies?"
A : "..............."
saya suka film perang, dan pasti speechless kalo ditanya begitu... alesan saya suka nonton film perang itu karena saya suka liat semangat para tentara di film itu, berjuang ngebela kehormatan negaranya. Bukan karena saya suka ngeliat orang saling bunuh...
ada satu quotes yang touchy banget di film We Were Soldiers (biasa aja sih, tapi gimana yaa..),
"I am proud I could die for my country.."
film perang... ga tau kenapa selalu sedih, SELALU berhasil bikin saya berkaca-kaca. kayak film Saving Private Ryan, ga kebayang kalo saya nerima berita, bahwa 3 dari 4 orang anak saya gugur di medan perang. Atau We Were Soldiers, saya ga akan cukup kuat nerima telegram berita kematian suami saya.
Quote dari Black Hawk Down waktu Jamie sekarat :
Jamie : Do me a favor, okay? Tell my parents that I fought well today. And tell them that I fought hard.
Eversmann : You're gonna tell them yourself okay, Jamie?
Jamie : Are the humvees here?
Eversmann :They're coming, Jamie. They're coming. You just gotta hold on for a little longer. Can you do that?
Jamie : I can, I can. It's nothing. It's nothing.....
ga berapa lama kemudian, tatapan mata Jamie kosong... gugur dia..
Ada juga yang bikin saya terharu, dari film We Were Soldiers, ini percakapan antara Ayah dan anaknya :
Cecile : Daddy, what is a war?
Hal : A war is, Well, it's something that shouldn't happen, but it does. And, it's when some people in another country, or any country, try to take the lives of other people. And then soldiers like your Daddy have to, you know, it's my job to go over there and stop them.
Cecile : Are they gonna try to take your life away, Daddy?
Hal : Well... yes, Cecile, they're gonna try. But I'm not gonna let them. Okay?
Terakhir, di film Black Hawk Down, dibacain surat seorang prajurit kepada keluarganya. Saya pingin deh, saya bisa ngebuat surat yang singkat padat dan jelas langsung tersampaikan maksudnya. kayak surat ini :
My love, you are strong and you will do well in life. I love you and my children deeply. Today and tomorrow, let each day grow and grow. Keep smiling and never give up, even when things get you down. So, in closing, my love...tonight, tuck my children in bed warmly. Tell them I love them. Then hug them for me...and give them both a kiss good night for Daddy.
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