
Ik Ben Ajacied

All You Need is AJAX

All You Need is AJAX
All You Need is AJAX

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

my new addiction

Ramadhan Mubarak! Eid-al Fitr is near, can't wait! and I have a new addiction by the way, just discovered this group from YouTube when I was looking for Cheb Khaled's Aicha :

OUTLANDISH! Danish trio which members come from different background :)

I've been listening to their songs for 30 minutes.. LOL
I don't know much about them yet, but so far I love all of their songs that I've listened to, I'll share one of them :

I don't need nobody and I don't fear nobody, I don't call nobody but You, my one and only...

and they're awesome live!

2 komentar:

  1. look into my eyes keren bgt tuh kak... kalo ga salah utk palestine gtu..

  2. yg dari puisi itu ya, iya keren bgt, Isamnya gantengggg ><
